Why Focusing on Systems Beats Setting Goals for Lasting Success

Why Focusing on Systems Beats Setting Goals for Lasting Success

Why Focusing on Systems Beats Setting Goals for Lasting Success red text system being written with a pen


Discover why focusing on systems, not just goals, leads to lasting success, using insights from Atomic Habits and practical examples from fitness and business.

Why Focusing on Systems Beats Setting Goals for Lasting Success

I've been reading and studying the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, and one of the most important concepts I've come across is his statement:

"If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead. Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress."

Why Systems Matter More Than Goals

Clear identifies several reasons why focusing on systems is more effective than just setting goals. One key point he makes is:

"Winners and losers have the same goals" – Whether you win or lose, the goal might be the same. The difference lies in the system used to achieve that goal.

And I've always wondered about this, especially when a team wins the Super Bowl. After the game, when they interview the coach or MVP, they always say things like:

  • "This was the goal we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year."
  • "We worked so hard; we knew it would pay off."
  • "This has been my dream since I was in high school."

But the teams that didn’t win could say the same thing—they also set goals, worked hard, and had the same dreams of winning it all.

This highlights why James Clear advises focusing on systems. It's not enough to set the goal; it's about the systems you put in place to achieve it.

My Personal Example: Fitness Goals

For instance, one of my goals is to maintain my physical health and energy, especially for my kids and grandson. I’ve followed an exercise system for a long time, but I like to challenge myself in one area. Currently, that’s improving the number of pushups I can do.

My Pushup System:

  1. Go to my max once a week and record it.
  2. Do forced repetitions with slightly lower weight (like getting on my knees).

My goal was to reach 50 full pushups on yoga blocks, and here’s how it went:

  1. It took me three months.
  2. Progress wasn’t linear; sometimes, I even regressed.

If I had focused solely on the goal, I might have gotten discouraged by the lack of consistent progress. But because I trusted my system, I stayed motivated, made adjustments, and eventually reached my goal.

Applying Systems to My Business

Now, it’s time to build a promotional system for my business. Here’s the plan:

  1. Allocate Time: Set aside time each week to ensure consistent effort.
  2. Set a General Goal: Decide on the overall direction.
  3. Design the System: Create the initial system and seek feedback from the PWC team, my mastermind group, and webinars I've attended (e.g., Larry Broughton’s "Setting Out the Honey Pot" and Alex Hormozi’s "$100M Leads").
  4. Automate and Delegate: Focus on my strengths by automating and delegating parts of the process.
  5. Examine and Adjust: Periodically review the system’s effectiveness and make necessary tweaks.

What's Next?

Part of this system will involve reaching out to you all, creating a public roadmap for the business, and offering beta opportunities that benefit your businesses. Stay tuned for updates as I work on this system and share the results!

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  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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