Does your website pass the 'GRUNT TEST'?

Does your website pass the ‘GRUNT TEST’? (May 2022 Newsletter)

PWC Grunt Test story brand


Does your website pass the 'Grunt Test'? Storybrand recommends three guide questions that your website must be able to answer as soon as they land on your site.

Dave's Impactful Thought/Tip for the Month

We love StoryBrand, for various reasons, and they have a great recommendation for your website: it must pass the "Grunt Test". Here it is:

Your website must answer these three questions within eight seconds:

  1. What do you offer?​
  2. How will it make my life better?
  3. What do I need to do to buy it?

People's attention spans are short, and if you're not telling them what you're doing and how to purchase quickly, you're likely missing out on money.

Let's look at our website and see if it passes the test:

PWC Grunt Test story brand

Looks like it does!

We also do SEO, so we have some work to do to update our messaging a little better.

Does your site pass the Grunt Test?

June Social Media Calendar!#Summer

Again, we have a social media calendar for you this month, so you don't have to take too much time thinking about what to put on your social media.

Summer starts on the 21st of June. Don't forget to take this opportunity to begin your summer promos!

June Social Media Calendar

We are looking forward to what you're going to post! Have fun!

How to choose the right Social Network for you

It's not easy to choose which network/platform fits your business best. Ultimately it will come down to testing, and yes, you're allowed to make mistakes!

Does that mean you have to be on ALL social networks? No. It's okay to be picky when choosing which social networks to join. It may be best not to be on specific social networks, perhaps because of the time it takes to do social correctly or because your customer personas don't fit with a particular network.

So can you choose the right one? First, let's look at the numbers.

You'll notice that Facebook is far and away from the most popular social network, with twice as many monthly active users as the runner-up.

So should you decide which network to join based on its size? Yes and no.

Size matters, but the demographics matter more. If you're selling clothes with many pretty images, maybe Instagram is better than Facebook. The main network you choose should match the audience of your business.

Click here to read about the demographics of each platform
Here are some questions to think about when choosing a network:

  1. Will more users mean more competition for attention?
  2. Are your customers on the web?
  3. Does the network fit your demographic?
  4. Does your industry have a presence?

If this newsletter helped you land on a platform you wish to join, let us know about your decision-making process.


As cryptocurrencies buzz, people may fear missing out on investment opportunities. The scams can take different forms but often involve fake prizes, contests, giveaways, early investment opportunities, and the latest one, NFTs.

Though not all Crypto projects are scams, most are, so it's best to be careful.

How can you protect yourself from these scams:

1. DO NOT CLICK ON SUSPICIOUS LINKS. Scammers may use links injected with code that will kick you out of your 'session' so they can take over and change your password.
The scammers may impersonate celebrities or popular cryptocurrency websites to lure victims into sending them money, share login information, or "invest" in a project.
5. ONLY INVEST MONEY THAT YOU'RE WILLING TO RISK/LOSE. Some projects, especially NFT projects, start legit and become a rug pull. However, your money is gone once the project becomes inactive or removed from the exchange.

If you want to join the crypto hype:

  1. Ask experts.
  2. Do your research. There are a lot of credible crypto streamers that talk about promising projects/investments.
  3. Join premium groups that help each other make and find possibly suitable investments.
  4. Again, do not invest money that you're not willing to lose.
  5. Think about it as an educational investment. Allocate x amount of dollars to put into it, and that's it.


About Us

  • We love to be your digital partner, working behind the scenes to make you more successful.

  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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