The Challenge:
We needed to produce a mini sales funnel for Larry Broughton for his VICTORY Masterclass. We needed to create the version where people could register for a free class and then the version where people would pay as well as get details on the paid course.
The Solution:
We produced the site freevictorymasterclass.com for registrations and thevictorymasterclass.com for the paid class. We
(a) implemented countdown timers
(b) created appropriate popups
(c) enabled the ability to collect payment with a custom registration form, both for a subscription and a one-time payment
(d) created many graphics with an outstanding pricing area
(e) added a ton of testimonials
(f) added the Facebook pixel and various analytics connections to examine statistics.
Larry loved both sites!
The Result:
See freevictorymasterclass.com and thevictorymasterclass.com!