July Client Maintenance Report - Pro Website Creators

July Client Maintenance Report

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How to download Facebook videos

Last month we talked about how to learn while you’re doing something else, using podcasts, allowing you to get that learning in when you don’t have time.

We wanted to be able to do the same thing with some Facebook live videos to further enhance our knowledge about various subjects, and we figured out how to not only download the video but then extract the audio so we could put it on our phones for later listening (in the car, doing errands, exercising, etc.).

There are quite-a-few steps, and we’ve detailed them below, but we can record a video if you wish - just let us know:

  1. Go to the private FB group you want to grab the video from, and navigate to it.
  2. Click on the video.
  3. Right click and select “show video url”.
  4. Copy the video URL and paste into a new tab.
  5. Change www in the URL to mbasic and refresh the current tab.
  6. Right-click on the video and do “Open Link in new tab”.
    1. The URL in the tab will be something like: - https://scontentsjc31.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.904029/10000000_2157102494509577_4348969517540442112_n.mp4nc_cat=0&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InNkIn0%3D&oh=ff3feed7a05ada9350221718beaafe85&oe=5B468003
  7. Right-click on the video and select “Save Video as…"
  8. Extract the audio from the video
    1. Use the free audio editing program “Audacity” to open up the video.
    2. - You can get the latest versions from here: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/
    3. Edit the song info and album info to your choosing so things stay organized in your audio player/manager.
  9. Drag and drop mp3 to iTunes or whatever audio player/manager you’re using.

Security Issues and Updates

Think twice before grabbing images from the internet!

We must all continue to remain diligent and up-to-date on the latest scams people are using to try to get us to give up our personal information.

These folks continue to get more and more sophisticated.

Case in point: people are able to hide malware inside images on some google user content.

An image is made up of several different kinds of data, not only the pixel data. Most images now store EXIF data, which is short for Exchangeable Image File, a format that is a standard for storing interchange information in digital photography image files using JPEG compression.

Digital cameras store information on the image such as shutter speed, exposure compensation, F number, what metering system was used, if a flash was used, and a host of other information.

However, this data can also contain executable code! Which can do harmful things when loaded on a website such as place warning banners on sites and enable emails to occur.

So please be careful when grabbing images from the internet and using them; most sites have copyright information on them so it’s illegal to use without permission anyway.

See more: https://blog.sucuri.net/2018/07/hiding-malware-inside-images-on-googleusercontent.html

Tip of the Month

We’re right in the middle of vacations, so the tip this month is a quick mention of all of the other tips/tools we’ve covered so far this year.

  1. Zoom. A great video conferencing tool and free! (well, mostly free...)
  2. Pipedrive. A CRM tool that helps to easily keep track of our potential clients, as well as what our current clients need, with appropriate visibility so nothing falls through the cracks.
  3. Useloom. A great tool that can integrate with the Chrome browser, where you share videos in a matter of seconds by posting it on your social media accounts, embedding it on your site or sharing the video link through email or any messaging app you use.
  4. Shopify Policy Generator. A great place to start generating updated privacy, terms of service, and/or refund policies that you can use on your site.
  5. Xmind.net. A great tool to help you be more organized, get out of overwhelm, and to plan your life and/or projects.
  6. Evernote. A tool that helps you capture, organize and share notes in real time across all your device

About Us

  • We love to be your digital partner, working behind the scenes to make you more successful.

  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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