The Challenge:
Implement an e-commerce site that allows for online sales of CBD products along with different levels of taxes, shipping, coupons, and pricing, and design an effective home page that combines education and quick purchase capability.
The Solution:
- We implemented a complex role structure for customers and wholesalers with various sub roles for
- paying by check
- some pay tax and others don't
- wholesaler getting different pricing than others
- Implemented free-shipping at $100 or more (known to increase buying amounts per order) and properly indicated such
- Structured various coupons for percentages off, fixed amount off, and Buy-One-Get-One (BOGO) free.
- Incorporated a testing API for the store that verifies it's working automatically
- Used a different-than-normal payment processor, meaning different than PayPal, Stripe, and Square.
- Designed the home page to provide a combination of education and product purchase capability since CBD is still an unknown industry (it's not like you're going to buy a tripod...)
- Displayed products according to Most Popular, Delivery Method, and Symptom.
The Result
(Note that the client has since closed his business, but the above is still relevant.)
Note: Done in conjunction with Wordflirt.