Carwash ACES - Pro Website Creators

Carwash ACES

prowebsitecreators portfolio carwashaces website makeover

The Challenge:

ACES had done their website themselves, and it served their purposes for a while. Like many growing businesses, their initial website was a starting point. As you grow and your business matures, you too need to keep your website up-to-date. In ACES' case, they were ready for a more professional, modern look. We set out to make the site crisp, clean and easy to navigate, without a lot of fluff.

The Solution:

We designed the home page with moving images in the hero area, using the "Ken Burns" effect:

  • Made the entire home page a "summary" of the site, telling the overall ACES story
  • Implemented detailed pages that further explain what's on the home page
  • Enhanced the images to make them "pop" more
  • Created an email opt-in to gather email address and deliver a nice freebie
  • Ensured someone visiting can easily contact them by email or phone, with two buttons that are sticky to the top of the page.

The Result

Note: Done in conjunction with Wordflirt.

About Us

  • We love to be your digital partner, working behind the scenes to make you more successful.

  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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