Taking Your Work to the Next Level

Taking Your Work to the Next Level

PWC Blog WorkElevate


Dave shares valuable tips on improving your work, attracting great clients, and maintaining excellent communication to elevate your business.

While reviewing my journal, I found a tip that can elevate what we're doing to a higher level. Here are a few tips that, if followed consistently, will help you attract great clients and deliver exceptional work:

1. Conduct Regular AARs or Post-Mortems on Your Projects or Services

This simple method has significantly improved our work. If you're unsure how to conduct them, just reply, and I'll guide you!

2. Have a Coach/Mentor in the Area You Want to Improve

I'm a big believer in this, and we've had a coach and mastermind group since 2014! At a minimum, ask a trusted colleague for feedback.

3. Review Your Work from the Client's Perspective

Before finishing something for a client, ask yourself two questions: How would this look from their perspective? How can I make it 1% better or do one extra thing to delight them?

4. Be a Great Communicator

People prefer different communication methods: text, voice, in-person, email, recorded videos, etc. Get good at them. However, nothing beats talking directly, so lean in that direction. Overcommunicate by explaining things clearly, but avoid fluff.

5. Survey Your Clients at Appropriate Times

We ask for feedback at the end of a project and at regular intervals. Honest feedback helps us improve.

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  • We love to be your digital partner, working behind the scenes to make you more successful.

  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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