Avoid These Cyber Security Risks - interview - Pro Website Creators

Avoid These Cyber Security Risks – interview

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Jeff Wolfe
Welcome to Wolf's watch I'm Wolf and we are covering cybersecurity. Again, this is our fourth episode on cybersecurity. Today. We have Dave Braun, CEO, and founder of pro website creators. Dave, thanks for joining us.

Dave Braun
Awesome and honored to be here, Jeff.

Jeff Wolfe
And I'm glad to have you. And as you're watching this, I've known Dave for several years have learned a lot from him. So, you know, all just all transparency, wouldn't invite somebody on. If I wasn't someone that had some personal experience with that knows, you know, they know what they're doing. And Dave, you definitely do. You bring a lot to the table on websites and so much more in the entrepreneurial space.

Dave Braun
Yeah. It's a wild ride being in the entrepreneurial space and digital areas. Oh my gosh. Wild ride. It's fun.

Jeff Wolfe
I want to ask about WordPress. So many people use WordPress these days in here are some, you know, here's some say, yeah, this is great. You just, you know, as long as you've got it set up, right, you're doing good. And I've heard others say, yeah, you gotta be careful with WordPress because there's a lot of, a lot of cybersecurity issues that if you don't know about, you can really be in deep trouble. So, I mean, what, what, what are one of the two common things that you've seen that have, that have made, you know, created problems for entrepreneurs they're using?

Dave Braun
Yeah. So there's a, there's something that you have to consider with this. One of the things is, you know, just looking at some stats, WordPress is makes up 42. As of, I just looked it up before the show, 42.5% of all websites.

Jeff Wolfe

Dave Braun
Yeah. That's the latest numbers as of September 1st, which is today and it's, and it's only growing. So, you know, and then the other thing is, yeah, WordPress gets hacked. Definitely. Well guess what? Microsoft office gets hacked as well. T-Mobile gets hacked. The government gets hacked, you know, our pipelines get shut down. Right. It's just a general problem in the industry. Right. And in any industry where you've got, you know, you're, you're exposed to the internet, right. So, but there are some things that you should do that you, you really have to do all or else a WordPress can be a ticking time bomb.

Jeff Wolfe
Okay. Can you give us one example real quick?

speaker 2
Yeah. One of the things is you got to make sure that all of your plugins and themes stay updated, make sure that they stay updated. You need to do it on a regular basis. And ideally you're on some kind of an email list and or you have a security plugin that will alert you to when their security holes going that are out there. Cause they're gonna, they're, they're constantly coming. They, they come on your devices, they come on your, you know, on your, your, your PC software and everything. It's just the nature of anything that's popular. There's going to be a lot of people trying to get into it. So that would be one of the very big things. Another big thing is to make sure that you've got a good password. Okay. And what that means is multiple characters in it. It's gotta be like at least 12 characters. I mean, you don't put in something like 1, 2, 3 password, or you don't put in your first and last name, that kind of stuff. Right. Make sure it's it's it's good. Yeah.

Jeff Wolfe
Well, no, I was just going to say it amazes me that one of the big issues that we're still talking about in 2021 is passwords and the diligence with passwords. Because when I was still in the corporate world, in the early 1990s, we got drilled on that on a regular basis, you know, change passwords. Here's what you don't do. Don't use password, don't use 1, 2, 3, 4, but yet those still seem to be frighteningly common.

Dave Braun
Yeah, absolutely. You know, and, and sometimes you think about today, it can get overwhelming. It's like, oh my gosh, I've got access to my medical records now online, I've got access to my banking. You know, I've got access to my site and all that kind of stuff. So really, if you're going to, if you think in your, you're watching this, you're going to say, I'm going to go change all my passwords. You should, but make sure you start with the things that if it gets hacked, for example, that would cause you the most pain and suffering. So make sure, for example, your, your bank account. Another thing that really helps will be to use two factor authentication on your site.

Jeff Wolfe
Which is one of the things, one of the things that I appreciate about stream yard, the tool that we're using for this broadcast, they use two factor.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Yeah. Set

Jeff Wolfe
That up. Worry about having the stream hacked like, like some other products.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And then there's, there's some subtleties with that as well to keep that as secure as possible. Right. So, I mean, you can go really deep, but yeah. The biggest thing is, make sure you keep all of your software updated and, and everywhere on all of your devices and then good quality passwords. And like I said, don't,

Jeff Wolfe
I'm sorry for interrupting, but when you mentioned the plugins as I gone yeah. You know, there's a blind spot that I wouldn't normally think of because web WordPress we've likely got 6, 10, 12 plugins to make the site optimize and optimize it. So it's functioning well, plus the proliferation of apps on phones and computers and whatnot. There's, there's so many other things that need to be updated. It's not as simple as it used to be where you'd have maybe an operating system one or two P key pieces of software and then didn't have to really worry about much else.

Dave Braun
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. I mean, it's, as, as more and more people, you know, use the internet, I mean, we've seen this during the pandemic as more and more people use the internet for everything shopping, you know, communication, like what we're doing, their businesses are being wrapped around it. There's going to be more and more people that, you know, try to hack in and, and you know, and Jeff, one of the things that a way to a good way to help with this, to think about it too, is you've heard the, you've heard the analogy of, you know, you're there with a friend in the woods and there's a bear that's going to come at you and is going to getting ready to eat you. Right. How fast do you have to run? Right. You've heard that the other guy that's right. So that's right. So what we're talking about here in the security aspect of things is just, you know, do more than everybody else and it will help you a lot make, make them go after somebody else.

speaker 1
Don't be the easy, the easy mark.

Dave Braun
That's right. That's right.

Jeff Wolfe
I appreciate that. You've been involved with this for, for quite some time. How did you get started with doing websites even with the entrepreneurial lifestyle?

Dave Braun
Yeah. So that's a, that's a good question. So I worked in the corporate world in high-tech for almost 30 years and then, oh, wow. That's a long run. Yeah. Almost 30 years. Yeah. I started when I was five years old. Right. But I got a little bit of gray hair naturally, but anyways, you know, I did a little bit of network marketing and I caught the entrepreneurial bug and I just didn't want everybody else to have control over my life. Right. And so the company went bankrupt and so they couldn't afford me anymore. And I said, screw the corporate world for now. And what, what should I do in the meantime, what I was doing to keep on my programming skills was I was doing a couple of mobile apps at the time. And you know, if you do a mobile app, it was, there were only iOS at the time for the apple.

Dave Braun
And what you have to do is you have to have a website that goes along with it. So when believe it or not, the first ones I did, I hired somebody to build a website for me. And then afterwards, I'm like, I need to be doing this myself. And I started enjoying it, educating myself. And then pretty soon started realizing how much a great website can. I mean, there's so many reasons why you need to have a great website for your life and your business. Right. And so I've, I've realized the impact that that can have on people. And so I just decided that, you know, I needed to make a little bit of business on this. Let's, let's see how we, what we can do on this. So that's, that's kinda what happened.

Jeff Wolfe
Well, and that's also led to, you know, having built a successful business. That's also led to working with other entrepreneurs as they're building their businesses as well.

Dave Braun
Right. Right. And, and one of the things is, you know, I do a lot of entrepreneurial coaching with Larry Broughton. You know, my buddy and my friend were partners and you go Z. And one of the things that's so important for that is, I mean, like Larry owns a hotel management company, brought in hotels, I have pro website creators, and then we coach entrepreneurs. So we're in the thick of things, right. We're still executing, we're trying to grow our businesses. We're trying to get new customers, do new products and services while we're coaching other folks. So we are, you know, kind of staying up-to-date on, on everything

Jeff Wolfe
We'll have to date. And then some, cause you hear that feed, that constant feedback from what, what kind of challenges are entrepreneurs come running into? What innovations are they, are they coming up with to scale their businesses and applying that with your business, but also sharing back what you're learning on the journey as well.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Abs yeah, absolutely. It's we have, one of the examples is, you know, now that we're doing so much virtual, how does that affect company growth interactions, morale benefits? I mean, it's just, it's, it's, it's crazy. So we're, we're dealing with that ourselves so we can help others navigated as well.

Jeff Wolfe
Yes, absolutely. And especially after the last, you know, after 2020, which was quite an amazing year with the great shutdown and, and lots of other things in it, it just seems that for entrepreneurs that are looking in, in that are learning from other entrepreneurs, that there's a lot of opportunity out there because there's such a big pile of stuff that's been rained down on us all over the last year and a half that there gotta be some great opportunities, right? It's gotta be a pony or two in there is that,

Dave Braun
Oh, absolutely. There's, there's always opportunities with the way our society is and capitalism, et cetera. There's always opportunities because capitalism solves problems when you solve problems, those bring up new problems for other people to solve or yourself. So it's a it's, it's cool.

Jeff Wolfe
Absolutely. Everyone. And speaking of new problems that are coming up, coming back to the cybersecurity issues, is it really, is cybersecurity really getting worse per se? Or is it just because there's so much more software, so much more activity on the internet that w that we're now, you know, as, I don't know, what am I trying to say as, as a rational measure, like say hours of use of the internet, you know, hackings per hours of use or something like that, is it really getting worse or is it just because there's so much more going on there? It's, it's now part of our conversation where, because people weren't using the internet that much, they weren't really paying that much attention to it.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I think that's part of it. I think part of it is, yeah, we are becoming more and more accustomed to doing everything online. So that means that we're, you know, it, it is, it's more of a forefront in our minds. Right. That's part of it, another part of it, and this is something that made a lot of sense to me when I heard about it is, you know, if you, if somebody decides to hack into your site, I mean, there's multiple reasons why they would do that. It helps to understand those reasons and then you can watch out for them. But one of the things is they'll do is, and you've of ransomware, right? Yes. So basically they come in and encrypt everything on your site, your server, wherever it is. And they say, Hey, pay us some money. And then we'll give you the key to unlock and everything. Right. So most of the time those payments are done in Bitcoin or some other crypto currency. Well, five years ago, you didn't have that. Right. So cryptocurrency is not very traceable if it's very difficult to trace, but you know, dollars and cents and credit cards and all that kind of stuff, it's, it's easier to trace. So that's, you know, if people can get paid and make a lot of money for it, then they're going to do it. And there's,

Jeff Wolfe
It's the unintended incentives that are created.

Dave Braun
Yeah. So that's just like one, one little aspect of how, cause you always have to think about, somebody's going to hack into my site. What is the financial advantage for them to do that? Now there are some people who do it just for fun, because they're mean, but I, you know, I think most of the time it's because there's a financial reason or some benefit for them doing it.

Jeff Wolfe
I got, it makes sense. Like another thing that they

speaker 2
Money is, right. Yeah. Another thing that they would do is they would go in and they would put in some software hacking your server or your site put in some software on it. And then they would run, you know, these programs that would gradually send out emails, spam emails using your server resources. And so they, they put these on a whole bunch of sites and pretty soon they're generating, you know, hundreds of thousands of these phishing emails. All it takes is a few of those things to like for a few people to bite on those, you know, it's like you have a thousand poles in the pond, you know, if you want to get your dinner, you just have need one or two to bite. Right. And so that's, that's been a strategy that, that they would do. So you gotta watch out for those. So you gotta just, it helps to understand what the incentive is for people to do that stuff.

speaker 1
So in order to be able to, to put the most effective security in place

Dave Braun
When the, what to watch out for and what to be concerned about, okay.

Jeff Wolfe
Is it something that surprised me, a headline that I saw? I actually think it was this morning that because so many more people are working remote that now with the hackers went back to phishing attacks instead of the tax on servers, in order to get access to people's home routers in they're actually not, that's not just a hack in to the systems, but now they're selling off the bandwidth. Yeah. The internet bandwidth B after they've hacked into the home routers for people that are doing, who knows what?

Dave Braun
Yeah. That's crazy. That's crazy. Yeah. They're always inventing new ways. Always inventing new ways. For sure. Yeah. So there's, there's multiple things you have to, you have to keep secure in your life right now. I mean, that is one of them. That's a great example is your, your routers or your systems. You know, if you've got, you know, a camera and that's gotta be, you know, kept up to date your phones, your computers, right. And then of course your, your websites as well.

Jeff Wolfe
Well, and, and also with remote work, I've seen some companies are relying on the equipment that people had at home anyway, especially working professionals usually have a reasonable, you know, they can almost run a company out of their house w with what they've got at home. It, whereas other companies have prepared entire kits that they give to the, you know, to give to their team, their employees, to set up at home, which, which then they have their it folks control. So they have better security on.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Typically those kinds of things will be, you know, you're, you're, you're, you're tunneling in through a VPN. So everything that you're doing is totally encrypted. Your IP address is hidden and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So those, those can be good things to do depending upon, you know, what you do. And there, of course, there's always a cost to those as well. So you just got to balance out what, you know, types of security, you know, needs you have, they're there one thing that might help, I know a lot of people do WordPress. I have that, there's an acronym that I didn't come up with, but folks in my mentoring group came up with that could help folks remember what to do on their sites. You want to share it? Okay.

speaker 1
Yes, please do. Sorry. I got, I got a little sidetrack from, from WordPress. Hold that thought for just a second. Okay. Because you see so many headlines in a, I like what I'm hearing from you because yeah. They headlines that we're getting blasted with. It's like, oh my gosh. You know, we're about to have a digital meltdown at any moment, which really, you know, how much of that is, you know, chicken little, the sky is falling. And how much of that is, is real serious threat to, to hear that. Okay, well here here's a, yes. There's concerns. Here's a rational approach to it so that people aren't panicked about what they're doing, you know, panicked about the risk online.

speaker 2
Yeah. And, and, you know, and I'm, I'm S I'm going to say this one thing, and it's not that I'm cynical at all. It's just reality. Right. Is that, you know, your level of exposure a lot of times is related to your, your income, you know? Hmm.

Jeff Wolfe

speaker 2
So for example, a company like, like, like the pipeline shut down, right. That that happened. And the hacking that went on there. Well, I mean, those people aren't targeting me, but they're targeting them because, you know, having that shut down costs millions and millions of dollars. So there's an option opportunity for a big payout for, for the hackers. Right. And unfortunately, with the media, the way it is, is, is when I say follow the money, you follow the money there as well, because sure. The media, they need you to click on their sites and watch their stuff. They, they, you, you, they, they earn their money through advertising, which is generating through your attention. So they're gonna, they're gonna bring out the stuff that is oh, wow. Shocking. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They will. So yeah, you just have to be concerned and take it with a grain of salt.

Dave Braun
But if you are a CEO of a pretty big company and all of that stuff, yeah. You need to really have some major resources dedicated to watching your security, your company. And I was going to say, one other thing is on that is you find a lot of times what happens even there is people, hackers get access through a person in the company who does not practice safe, secure measures. Right. They have a weak password. They click on some stupid phishing email. Right. So it's, sometimes it's not about all the policies and the protections that are in place. Sometimes some of the folks on the, in the company will just kind of do stupid things. So there's, if you're, if you're a person in a big company or even you have a few people, you really need to make sure you spend a little bit of time on educating your folks on this stuff.

Jeff Wolfe
Yeah. Yes. So that's like the, the, the legend of the great wall of China, it never came, kept invaders out because they would always just bribe one of the gatekeepers to come through. And it never served his purpose like that. I don't know how true that is, but there's a legend about TechOne. Yeah. You know, just, just bribe the gatekeeper. Don't need to go over the wall to open the door. That's great. Sometimes it's intentional. Sometimes it happens by accident because somebody goes, oh, that looks interesting. And like, you pointed out, they click on it. It's like, oh, here we go. Yeah. Great example. It gave someone accidents. Yeah. Yep. And so coming back to, to the acronym you're going to share, and this is, this is what got me thinking about what I sidetracked on, which is this, bring, this brings some, some rational thought, right. It's like, okay. Yeah, we've got, w w we've got the hype. We need to sort through the hype. There's some legitimate concern. It is truly a major business issue. However, things like what you're about to share or what helps entrepreneurs and just anyone using the internet, as a matter of fact, you know, to be able to say, okay, here's some solid ground I can stand on. So they don't have to be panicked because the thing, something I learned in, in dynamic environments, the person that panics gets eaten first.

Dave Braun
Yeah, yeah. Right.

Jeff Wolfe
And the person that can, that can look at and go, okay, here's how I'm going to respond. Here's the steps I'm going to take to respond to this situation. Have a better, no guarantees, but a better shot at coming through in good shape.

Dave Braun
Yeah, you're right. You're right. Think through stuff. Absolutely.

Jeff Wolfe
I don't know. Not that I'm in trouble. I'm sorry. I keep, so tell us about the,

Dave Braun
An acronym. Okay. So really quick, the acronym that we use is called hubs, H U B S right? So for a WordPress site or any site, really, it starts with H S stands for hosting it. Good quality hosting. When you buy these packages that are $50 for a year and include the domain. You're sharing resources with people you don't know. Okay. And who knows what's going to happen on their sites that could affect your sites.

Jeff Wolfe
So you, so you can get affected by somebody else sharing that hosting site that doesn't have good security. And all of the effort you put into it is, ends up. Yeah.

Dave Braun
I, well, yeah, not for nothing, but you can have to deal with problems. So make sure you have a good hosting company. You get a good hosting plan. That's, you know, not these cheapo things, but a good repair re rep reputable hosting company, or a web developer. Right. Talk to them about this stuff. So the H's for hosting the U stands for updates. Okay. We talked about updates, keeping all of your software update dated. If you don't do it, whoever you hire to do it, they need to do it on a, on a regular basis. And they should have a plan for when there is, you know, all of a sudden the security hole discovered. So keep updates in the B stands for backups. Okay. Now, when you were, if you don't have backups, you're just waiting for trouble. Now, backup should be done when I say online and offline.

speaker 2
And what I mean by that is like, you can have your hosting company do that, for example, or you can install a plugin to do it or whatever, but you really need to make sure that you do something with those backups. Make sure you, you know, you can have them there with the hosting account, but you should have them offline as well. In case that company, you know, something crazy happens, right. Because I've had situations where I've talked to people and they've said they come to me because these companies that they've worked with have not been able to restore a backup. They, they find out, oh my gosh, the latest one that they had was five months ago. And because they had a glitch in their system when they needed it, and it it's big companies, big companies that happens. So you need to have it off, online and offline, like take it offline and put it into Amazon S3 or Dropbox or something like that. You know, where it's, it's it just gives you a second level of confidence that you can restore in case something happens. I'm sure.

Jeff Wolfe
And something that you control so that you're not a hundred percent at someone else's mercy in terms of their systems and discipline.

Dave Braun
Yeah, absolutely. And then the S stands for security, you know, make sure, you know, what's going on with, if you're doing WordPress, you can get some good security plugins. Some of them are for free. I recommend the PR the professional version and, you know, pay for that. And a lot of times these security plugins will help monitor things. They'll use services that will scan on a regular basis, your site to make sure that everything got in there. So that's one of the things I recommend. So HEBs hubs, hosting updates, backup, and security,

Jeff Wolfe
Hosting updates, backup and security. I like it. It's easy to

Dave Braun
Remember. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's how I can remember it. Otherwise I can remember it.

Jeff Wolfe
That's good, but it's, it's a good starting point and something that, that I noticed, one of the services that you offer through pro pro for website craters is a 28 point security lockdown. So it really seems as that just goes beyond the basic, basic security that most people are familiar with.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Yeah. There's because you know, one of the things that you want to make sure, oh, I'll just give you a, a couple of examples. One is, you know, we, we make sure that we S we scan your site twice a day to look for vulnerabilities. If there is some software that's been reported in database. Cause there's a lot of people looking for this stuff. If something has been reported, then it will, it will let us know by an email so we can jump on it right away. So that's one, another thing is, you know, with WordPress, I'll give you two more than another thing with WordPress is typically you'll go to log in to your domain name slash WP dash login dot PHP, or WP dash admin. Right. But guess what, if you know that, and it's common with 42% of the sites out there, then these hackers know that as well.

Dave Braun
So they can go to that page. They automatically know exactly where to log in. So one of the things that we do is we will hide that behind a longer URL, a longer address. So in other words, they go to your domain name slash WP admin, or WP dash login, and they get a 4 0 4 it's like, then it's like, they can't even try to log in. So that's one. And then the other thing is that we'll we'll do is we will automatically ban people. If some buddy tries with their IP address to log into your site with the username admin, because that's the default with WordPress, for whatever reason, they they've done that. They keep doing that. Then we ban them and we make sure that there's no user admin usernames named admin because you know, you've got, when you, when people log in, they need a username and password. Well, the username is, if you know, then it's only a matter of time. They can eat maybe more easily guessed passwords and log in. But if they have to do both username and password, it's a little bit harder. So when you, when you do all of these different things, you start adding it up, things get harder and harder and harder. So it takes more and more sophistication for so many to get in. So that's what you're doing. You're putting up barrier after barrier, after barrier, and we make, we make sure we do that.

Jeff Wolfe
Excellent. Yeah. That's some great insights I'm watching the time and we we're right at half past. And I promised we'd keep this to 30 minutes. And so I apologize. We're going to run just a little bit over because I wanted to ask, well, because I wanted to ask this, what, what are you working on now? What's next for you and pro website creators?

Dave Braun
Well, one of the things that we're working on is, or, you know, doing mulch, we, we like to do custom sites because it's more fun. We, we, it takes advantage of our strengths as a company because, you know, we, we're constantly learning new things. We're constantly solving problems. So we do custom sites. So that's, that's kind of where, where we're at and we're continuing to make sure we provide that value through e-commerce right. So that's, that's for us is more of a sweet spot. We like e-commerce because there's a lot of challenges. There is a lot of great things that can be done to enhance clients sales that a lot of people just don't know or take advantage of. So we like that.

speaker 1
Awesome. And how can, how can people get in touch with you? How can we keep in touch, learn more, or get some help with your custom website building?

Dave Braun
Yeah. The easiest thing is just to go to our website pro website creators.com, and you can get that

Jeff Wolfe
There it is, website

Dave Braun
Craters.com. You just go there and you can check out what we've got. You can also send us an email at help at pro website, craters.com or fill out the contact form this there, but that's, that's really the best and the easiest way.

Jeff Wolfe
Fantastic. Dave, I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us, share a few tips on, you know, on the cybersecurity. Cause it's just it's I think it's gotten to the point where it can be really an emotionally charged issue because there's so much going on in it's beginning to get so complicated in terms of different things that the hackers are doing to, you know, break into systems and other risks that, you know, like you said, with the WordPress plugins things, we may not think about that we need to pay attention to that are easy. Well, maybe not easy. Yeah. Simpler to protect that without some professional advice, like from someone like yourself, we would miss.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And it's one of the things we like to do with our clients is educate them on, on this as well. And I think with anything else, it's just a constant, you know, you gotta beat the drum and continue to educate yourself and continue it, educate them. And of course, you know, keep an eye out. There's some more and more sophisticated stuff going on, especially with emails. If you had another minute, I'd give you a really good example that we're sending out to our okay. Yep. Okay. So I you've seen some of the phishing emails. Obviously you get them, everybody gets them. And normally if you look at them, you can kind of tell, because they'll have words misspelled or the grammar is not good or something like that. Right. That's one way. But what we're seeing is, and we're seeing it more and more, they're getting better and better at duplicating real emails.

Dave Braun
So they look good. Like, for example, there's an email that I got from Amazon, what, supposedly as Amazon, but it looks like Amazon, the buttons look the same, the fonts, everything saying, Hey, click here to check your order. There's a problem. Right. Well, you click there on that button and it goes to some crazy fishing site. Right? So, and so one of the things that people are doing, when you look at who this email is coming from, like the domain, they will they'll change the domain name slightly so that it looks, if you're, if you're casually reading, it it'll look like it's the legitimate email address from the domain. So for example, it could be coming from info at, you know, Amazon tech.com. Right. Okay. That sounds pretty reasonable. But what they do is they'll misspell it and they'll say info at Amazon with instead of the, oh, and Amazon they'll replace that with an E and they get that domain. And so have a quick look at that. You'll be like, okay, that's Amazon, but it's not. So

Jeff Wolfe
That that's really getting devious.

Dave Braun
So yeah. And so if there's anything that you suspect, you know, if like an order or something like that comes in, just go to login normally to Amazon. The other thing that you can do with most email programs is you can take your mouse and right. Click on the button or the link or whatever they send, you know, and copy the URL and throw it into a text editor and look at it. Does it look right? Okay. Yeah. So I do that all the time. I do that all the time, if something comes and so, so I know most of the time I can tell, but you know, I'm definitely not perfect if I'm in a rush, I could definitely click on something wrong, but at least if I have one little thing that I'll, you know, copy it and look, then that's a little bit of a barrier for me to get.

Jeff Wolfe
And that's a great point. We need, we it's a become a security must to be more mindful with any email that we open. Yes. And, you know, and I have time blocked to be, to go through the email, take a look at it, to make sure, you know, use the techniques that you're talking about to make sure it's really coming from where it looks like is coming from before acting on it. Yeah.

Dave Braun
I've even seen emails that look like they're coming from a WordPress site. One of our client's site that will say click here because your database needs to be upgraded. It looks like a normal email, but yeah. It's like, so they're, they're getting clever. You just have to watch, watch. And when in doubt, that's one of the things that I tell our clients is when in doubt, when something comes up, just ask us forward it to us. We'll take a look. You know, if there's anything, anything that you, you know, you're like suspicious or whatever, we'll take a look.

Jeff Wolfe
Sage advice. Thank you so much for the website creators. As you're watching this go to pro website creators for more information, get in touch with Dave and his team. They're bringing a lot to, to the table to help you be more effective on the net doing business, but also having a better security so that your business isn't getting disrupted.

Dave Braun
Yep. Sounds awesome. Okay.

speaker 1
That's a wrap. Thank you so much for watching Wolf watch. This is our fourth episode on cybersecurity. We've got another one coming up and we'll announce the date on that pretty soon. And thank you for watching. And remember, this is 21st century television, right? This is live and interactive. Share your comments and we want to hear your questions. Get them answered when we're alive. If not, if your net worth, if you're watching this on replay, still post your questions in the comments. We watch that and we'll make sure we get an answer for you.

Dave Braun

Jeff Wolfe
And thanks for joining us and we'll see you on the trail.

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