Taking Full Advantage of Opportunities in Tough Financial Times - Pro Website Creators

Taking Full Advantage of Opportunities in Tough Financial Times

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Taking Full Advantage of Opportunities in Tough Financial Times

The world is going through some tough changes right now because of the pandemic COVID-19. But that doesn't mean we need to sit down and wait for it to dissipate or worst, panic. This blog post will give you some ideas on how to take full advantage of opportunities in tough financial times.

Things to do to Taking Full Advantage of Opportunities in Tough Financial Times:

Stay Calm! There is so much panic in the world and you want your business to be affected by that. Try to follow accurate information. Do not fall into clickbait titles especially from the news media.

Refer to trusted websites like CDC Guidelines or go to your local health agency or department of education in your county.

Don't overreact and stay calm.

Other tips:

  • Air dry your hands. Don't use a paper towel or air blowers.
  • If you are in a public area, use paper towels to open doorknobs or press elevator buttons.

Ideas to think about that will help your business weather the storm:

Here are some guidelines:

  1. Does something jump out at you? (like a eureka moment) Write it down quickly!
  2. Your Authority can increase regardless of the dire situation. Work towards improving that.

General Ideas:

Instead of binge-watching Netflix or any other subscriptions, take advantage of this free time!

1. Take advantage of Low-Interest Rates
ex. Refinance your house

2. Communicate with your Lenders and Vendors

3. Take advantage of Buying & Selling both in-store products or online.

4. Think of special products and services that you can offer to your clients for more success.
ex. Offer discounted products or services.

Remote Tools to start using in your business:

  1. Zoom Conference: for meeting with clients and my team.
  2. Loom: for recording videos and communicate with my team
    They are currently having a 50% off sale.

Things to do for your Business:

1. Review and tweak your Mision-Vision Statements and Core Values
These are important to set boundaries within the business. You can refer to last month's maintenance email or the blog post.

2. Write! Write! Write!
Write that blog that you always wanted to put out there. Or even a recipe book!

3. Do Videos on youtube or Vimeo

4. Learn a new skill
In PWC we use the following services:

  1. Skillshare
  2. Udemy
  3. Basic and Free Tutorial videos on youtube
    Note: This new skill should be directed to boost your business.

5. Come up with a new product or Service
You can reach out to your clients and ask them what service would be of value to them at this exact moment.

6. Email Newsletter for your clients
The overall idea is to think of ways/methods to serve/help your clients during this time.

7. Examine your Business

  • Look into your finances
  • Team Building
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Product Development
  • Check-in which area you are behind and work towards fixing it.

8. Look at your Cashflow

48 powerful ways 3

This pdf is full of practical tips to help you save cash. Contact us through email or contact form or our chat box and we'll get that in your mail.

9. Connect with people with LinkedIn
Make sure you have an idea of what your ideal client avatar is.

10. What can you do that is TOTALLY ONLINE
Maybe an information product? Update your website with new text? Maybe a redesign?

11. Business Book summaries
Contact us for more information and we'll be happy to share this with you.

12. Upgrade your Computer Systems via used Hardware
If you need help with this contact me through email or use our website help system and I'll connect you with that service.


Final thoughts:

Maintain and improve your online presence. Remote work or work from home is slowly becoming the trend as people realize that they'll be saving resources.

If you have questions, I'll be more than happy to free up some time for you.
Schedule a meeting with me through schedulewithdave.com

Why are we doing this?

Our PWC Vision is to "Every Entrepreneur freed to unleash their true potential to help transform the world".

We want to help you guys and invest our time and skills in you.



Stay safe and take care, everyone!

About Us

  • We love to be your digital partner, working behind the scenes to make you more successful.

  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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