The Challenge:
Create a highly customized website for an amazing attorney firm that specializes in defending people.
They had a previous site that was OK, which they designed themselves. But they wanted something professional, recognizable as an attorney firm, but not something cookie-cutter.
They wanted to emphasize how they are former prosectors and their differentiation from other firms.
See the video below of the before and after.
The Solution:
- We interviewed them to generate their main message, their call-to-actions, and some of the content, working afterwards to create the remainder of it.
- We understood their custom software they provide to their clients and recorded videos on how it works.
- We made the top area partially transparent to let the background image come through to add a nice effect.
- We edited all pictures for clarity and even inserted objects and people where needed.
- We use the Ken Burns effect in the hero area to add interest, kind of like having a video there but without actually doing one!
- We performed a SEO analysis to ensure the keywords they were already ranking for would stay at those rankings or even improve.
- We gave them access to analytics for the site in a robust way.
- And of course we optimized the site so that it loads very fast.